Posts Tagged ‘local 5k races’

The time has finally arrived…the final chapter of 4 months worth of running and has led up to this day….the 2013 Buffalo Zombie Mud Run.

On my first run that I did this year, it was an abysmal 12 minute, 10 second mile run.  My breathing was a mess, my weight was 262.0 pounds and I was a disaster waiting to happen.  In the four months since then, I can pound out a first mile just over 8 minutes and my weight has comes down about 20 pounds.  I have hit the wall on the weight loss over the past three weeks it seems as I just cant seem to get to the that 25 pound mark.

The morning was very brisk with the weather being cloudy and the temperatures in the mid-50s.  Thankfully, our run time was scheduled for 11am, after the sun came out and warmed things up a couple of degrees.  Unfortunately, as the day had progressed, the course was deteriorating and becoming muddier.  One of my bigger complaints of this event was that each wave was supposed to be limited to 30 runners but when we lined up at the starting gate, there were easily 80+ people.  Now, you would think that there would be safety in numbers but that was not always the case.  I was teamed up with my sister Michelle, her sister in law Jodie and her sister Amy.  At the start of the race, you were given three flags as lifelines.  Throughout the course, there were two vaccination stations, where you could get back an additional life at each station.  Once your lifelines were gone, then so were you.


When they opened the gate for our wave, it was about a 2/10th mile run to the first obstacle, through 4 zombies.   Easy enough given that we had a full group of runners, so the zombies were easy to evade with the crowd.   Next complaint…some of the obstacles were not meant for 80+ people.  It was literally about a 10 minute wait just to get through the first obstacle, which was crawling underneath a house through the mud.  We crawled through the light mud under the house and emerged from the other side.   From there, it was about another 3/10th mile run through before we came across more zombies…unfortunately, there was only about a group of 6 of us and 8 zombies staring us down.  Well, once a zombie had his/her eyes locked on you, they were getting a flag from you….and it just so happened that I got lined up from two different zombies, so I was already down to my last flag early on.   After walking through some really thick mud, we came to another tunnel where you had to crawl through a 30 foot tube that was filled with mud, applesauce, jello, baby poop, etc.   Any chance of keeping clean…gone.  After several more areas of zombies, thick mud, rope swing, thick mud, zombies, thick mud, cable line bridge, mud, zombies, a wooden wall, zombies, more thick mud, another long mud tube, zombies, a creek to crawl through, more zombies, more thick mud…I finally ran into my zombie nemesis.  This cute little chick zombie that saw me and practically tackled me for my flag about 2.4 miles into the run.  At this point, since I was officially dead, I decided to run a screen for my sister who was down to her last flag.  After several more packs of zombies, a set of monkey bars, more zombies and crossing a lake, we came up to our last obstacle…


You had to climb a 10ft mud wall with a rope then head down the huge slide into a lake.  Believe it or not, it was a welcome treat given how muddy we were at this point.  After taking the plunge into the lake, you had to crawl out, over some pretty big rocks and gun it for the last 4/10ths of a mile sprint to the finish line, past many zombies.

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This event was a blast and the course was set up very well for every participant but once you got checked in, given your number and flags, it was totally unorganized.  No one was checking tickets or making sure you were lined up at the correct time, the obstacles got so backed up that we were waiting for as much as 10 minutes at times because there was too many runners and he website mentioned getting extra lives but that never transpired either.   My recommendation would be smaller groups of runners going out at once, but step it up to every 15 minutes and not a half hour.  Other than that, looking forward to next year…

You are probably wondering what this has to do with craft beer…first off, I had offered up a LIF (lottery it forward) on to the person who either chose my farthest distance before I died or closest to the amount of time it took for me to finish the race.  Unfortunately, I am wearing the INFECTED medal of shame and died about 2.4 miles into the race…so one lucky BA will have a box heading out to him this week.  Also, I had specific beers set up in case of victory and it was a choice between Lost Abbey Angels Share 2009 orCantillon Saint Lamnivus…or if I died, then a can of a Holland Lager that has been improperly stores for the past 15 years.   Needless to say, since my best friend was in town, I could not subject to my misery so we cranked out the following beers that night:

Well, the final countdown to my running armageddon is quickly approaching in just three weeks.  It seems like I just started my running a couple of weeks ago but it has roughly been three months now since I first slugged my fat ass up one side and down the other side of my street….and very slowly at that.

To quickly recap, I was sucked into running the Buffalo Zombie Mud Run from my wife and her friends.  Originally, it was going to be a group of 6-8 of us participating in the event but it turned out that I was the only one dumb enough to actually register for it.  That’s okay, I needed any excuse to shed some of my Beer Advocate Build and get into a shape that didn’t resemble a pear.

When I started this little adventure, I weighed a plump 262.0 pounds…after the first month, that fell to 256.6 pounds…then after the second month, the trend continued with it falling to 250.8 pounds…and as of today, three months in, it is down to 246.3 pounds, a total weight loss of 15.7 pounds to date.

As for the running aspect, my first run was a complete dumpster fire.  It has since gotten better from a 12.10 mile to a pretty consistent 30 minute run around the 3.10 mile mark.  I was hoping to have gotten a little farther on the distance in the same 30 minute time period but seem to have hit the wall a little bit.  I have tried changing up my routine a little bit but it seems to have been more detrimental over the past week then helpful.  Back to the drawing board I guess.

Also, given that the time is starting to draw near for the actual race, I decided to give a little back to the beer community (and increase any beer karma that may exist) by creating a LIF (Lottery It Forward) called Buffalo Zombie Mud Run LIF.  Basically, I am offering up several bottles of beer to the person that guesses the closest time of my run (without going over) or if I happen to not survive the run, then the person who guesses closest my farthest distance before my demise.  It is just my little way of giving back to the craft beer community, from which has sucked me into spending thousands of dollars and stocking up my cellar.

20 days to the apocalypse…a nice morning run with a first mile of 8.22 (which is a new best for me this year) but seemed to slow down as I got further along…still managed 3.13 miles in my 30 minutes.

17 days to the apocalypse…730am in the morning should not produce 120% humidity when its 68 degrees out.  Ran my fastest mile at 8.09 minutes and finished with a best distance of 3.18 miles in 30 minutes.

8 days to the apocalypse… No, I haven’t quit running, I got smacked with a sinus infection last weekend that then turned into a head cold.  I had to force myself to go out and run tonight.  Even with a head full of sinus crap, I decided to take it easy with the run tonight and only managed a 8.59 first mile and distance of 3.05 miles.  Not bad considering that I spitting out huge wads of grossness as I was going along.

5 days to the apocalypse… I am still feeling the effects of my sinus infection/head cold and my throat is still pretty raw at this point.  With that being said, this race isn’t going to run itself.  I forced myself to go out for a run tonight and stick with the same running format that I attempted the other night with running 1/3 mile sprints then walking it for 1/10th mile.  It still got me over three miles easily in my 30 minute allotment but my cell phone died and had no GPS to get accurate distance but was farther than I was the other night.  One more training run before the race.

3 days to the apocalypse… I went for my last training run before the race this saturday morning.  I picked a hell of a day for my final run as it was 88 degrees at the start of my jaunt.  I wanted to take it easy because of the heat and didn’t want to burn out for saturday morning, but still managed 3.02 miles in 30 minutes.  Not bad considering that I was stuck on 2.84 miles for a long time in July.

Zombies……Run…..  Today is the day…20 pounds lighter and as much as I would like to say “Ready to go”…my sinuses are still busted up.  Results to come very soon.

So begins the third installment of the craft beer guzzling fat guy journal of mine….as stated in the original post that my goal was to not only run in the Buffalo Zombie Run but to survive it.  When I had started this escapade, I was holding a solid BA weight of 262.0 pounds and a lumpy piece of crap.   Well, it has been two months since that original weight was taken and am proud to say that it has decreased nicely through some hard work and craft beer sacrifice.  As of 7/20, my weight was listed at 250.8 pounds…a nice 11 pound drop in two months.

With the Zombie Run coming up on September 14th, I have less than two months to drop more weight and increase my running performance.  My current running regiment has been to push for distance in a 30 minute time frame.  My goal was to break the 5K mark (3.1 miles) in under that 30 minute time frame by mid-July but the best I could muster up by then was 3.01 miles.  This month has been really hard to get out and run with the temperatures being in the 90’s for several weeks straight and my crazy work schedule.

Month Three. Day +1  Had to take the day off from work because my sump pump broke down over the weekend and my basement flooded, so I needed another day to finish cleaning it out and wipe everything down.  My leg was bothering before I got out to run this morning but the temperatures were in the high 70’s and I needed to get out…with that being said, I was a week late to obtain my goal but finally broke it this morning…pulled off a 3.13 mile run in 30 minutes.   My new problem is that the bike path that I run is only a 3 mile circle, so to continue to push forward in distance is almost impossible.  I think I am going to switch my routine now to run the 3.1 miles and just do it in the fastest time possible.

Month Three. Day +4 Too much yard work to get out for a run last night, so I saved it for this morning.  But before I could get out for the job, I decided to do another weight test this morning… I just didn’t know that it would lead to my wife giving me a little shit…for losing weight.  If someone has women figured out, please explain this to me.  Anyways, my weight as of this morning is a lean (LOL) 247.4 pounds….down almost 15 pounds since I start this whole adventure.  3.10 miles in 30 minutes today (and yes, I broke the 3.1 marker before it hit 30 minutes).

Month Three. Day +7 Again…another run and another 3.10 miles in 30 minutes.  I am having a hard time getting to that 3.20 mile marker…mental block.

Month Three. Day +9 I felt like crap from lack of sleep and just wasn’t feeling it…with that being said, I am still surprised that I was able to pull off 2.95 miles during my 30 minutes today.

Month Three. Day +13 After a long weekend of a family trip down to Sesame Place and Hershey with the family, I needed to get out and run…felt lazy this morning but managed to get my best run in with 3.14 miles in 30 minutes.  I need to break that 3.25 mile soon…

Month Three. Day +16  Long work day, 4 hour drive home from Albany to Buffalo then went for a run…was sucking wind the entire time and could only muster a 2.97 mile run.  Ugh.  On a positive note, I did weight myself this morning and was down to 246.2 pounds …thats 15.8 pounds dropped since this whole adventure started.

Month Three. Day +18  A great morning for a run…the bike path was a little too crowded for my liking and leg muscles were a little tight.  3.07 miles in 30 minutes.

Month Three. Day +20  I felt great for the first half of the run but was sucking wind by the second mile…still managed 3.14 miles in 30 minutes.  I also weighed myself this morning and am down to 244.1 pounds  🙂

Month Three. Day +25  Life has sucked lately for work and not running consistently has definitely gotten harder.  3.00 miles in my 30 minute allotment.

Month Three. Day +28  Ugh..felt like crap before running and it showed today, plus the mid 80s temperatures knocked hell out of me.  2.90 miles.

Month Three. Day +30  It seems like I am regressing….my shin was on fire after about a half mile so I took it easy and finished 2.87 miles.

So, I have been enjoying craft beer for quite a long time now…it has been going on for so long now that I have forgotten about a bunch of beers and places I have gone to a decade ago (my first real craft beer experience was the Milwaukee Ale House in Milwaukee WI in 2000).  When I really started to realize that there was more to life than cheap beer, I was running 3-4 miles per day…rain or shine…sober or drunk.   At the pinnacle of my running days, I was a lean (LOL) 200 pounds and running a 8 minute mile (on average).   Also, at the time, I worked with a bunch of people who were also runners, so I was joining a lot of local 5K races and killing post race parties.    My highlight race was the Erie County Fair 5K where I posted my best official time of 24.16.   Needless to say, I was still a big guy but just in decent shape.   Unfortunately, in 2003 I had hurt my knee pretty bad and was never the same again.  I took up running again in 2006 for about a month when it happened again.   Since then, I have been a lazy piece of crap…..

Fast forward to today…with the amount of retarded travelling I do, plus a 3 year old on top of it, I had amassed enough excuses to continue to be a fat ass.   Well, time to shit or get off the pot!!!  I am not getting any younger or lighter..time to start getting my shit back into shape.  My wife said to me “You could stop drinking beer”….LOL.  (shes adorable…)  While I am not giving up my beloved beers, I do need to start turning this weight thing in the other direction.


  • Better Health
  • Longer Life
  • Better Body

I guess…but here is my real motivation.

Yup…fucking zombies!   Well, zombies and the fact that I saw Daddy Pig run a long distance to raise money for a new school roof (see Peppa Pig)(I have a young child, what do you expect).

So I haven’t officially weighed myself yet but going to assume that I am in the 260-265 pound range. Yup, I said Fat Ass earlier… I am going to publicly humiliate myself (for anybody that gives a shit).  I plan on being to run this 5K and survive…  I will post my progress on this thread.

Plan of Attack:

While it has been years since I have actually ran and have forgotten everything I knew about proper breathing techniques, this is going to be a complete shit show.  I am using this thread as a motivation and way to track my progress (if any).  I plan on doing 2 weeks of One Mile then increasing the distance another half mile every two weeks until I hit the 3 mile mark.  I have downloaded a nice app that tracks my distance, speed, times and GPS mapping.


Day One – 262.0 pounds (thank you Wii fit) – 1 mile run – 12.10 mile with one long stop (well, walk really) along the way.  I realize that I am way way way out of shape.  Although I did remember my proper stretching techniques, it didnt stop the pain.  Above the knees were shot and lower back was throbbing.

Day Two – 1 mile run – 10.35 mile with two stops along the way.  My breathing is a fucking mess but will find my rhythm soon enough.  Again, above the knees are stiff as can be.  I am too old for this shit….but with that being said, was able to push the pace a little faster when I was running…just need to get that steady pace.

Day Three – Tennis – My legs are killing me and got a call from a friend to play Tennis. 90 minutes in the freakin’ heat (88 degrees)…needless to say, my legs are so stiff.

Day Four – Rest Day – My legs are still pretty sore and my ankle is a little stiff. Not to mention that the temperatures dropped about 25 degrees from 3pm to 6pm and the rain moved in.

Day Five – Rest Day (again) – My quads were pretty sore still plus I had like 4 hours of yard work to keep me busy before my Memorial Day Tasting at my house.

Day Six – 1 mile run – 10.50 mile.  Breathing is still a disaster and had some really bad tightness in my left calf muscle.

Day Seven – 1 mile run – 10.08 mile.  Well, I walked about 1.4 miles before I started my run because of my calf still bothering me, then walked then another 1.3 mile cool down jog.  I notice that it takes me less time to get my breathing back under control know, which is a good sign that my lungs are getting better…but breathing needs some better control still.

Day Eight – Day Off…weather sucked outside.

Day Nine – 1.75 miles in the 90 degree heat…just did quarter mile wind sprints to get the ol’ blood flowing.

Mental Note: So I went to GNC inquiring about pills that would act as a multi vitamin and metabolism booster before I started all this….the freaking meathead sold me some weight gaining pills.  I took them back and questioned them  because I couldnt figure out how I started exercising and eating much better, but put on 4 pounds.  Note to GNC, NOT EVRYONE WHO WALKS INTO YOUR STORE IS A STEROID ABUSING MEATHEAD!!!!

Day Ten – Day Off

Day Eleven – Day Off, it was 90 degrees until about 5pm then non stop thunderstorms for 12 straight hours.

Day Twelve – 1 mile run – 10.28 mile.  Breathing still a mess and dragging my ass down…think I am running too fast and not pacing myself better.

Day Thirteen – 4 mile bike ride – although it doesn’t seem all that impressive, try doing it with 40 pounds of dead weight (aka my three year old) hooked onto the back.  Plus, my left knee (which I torched years ago running) is starting to bother me.   Also…weight is at 260.4 pounds, no thanks to GNC meathead weight gaining pills I was taking for the first ten days.

Day Who The Hell Knows…so I havent exactly been updating this thread but thats a me problem, not a you problem. Ive switched my regiment from doing a timed mile to a distance for thirty minutes. My left knee has been bothering me this week, more than just a muscle ache, so Ive been taking it easy but today I did my best 30 minute distance of 2.41 miles of walking / running.

Day Who The Hell Knows +2…changed my motivation music from metal to some classic Weird Al (In 3D) and banged out 2.64 miles in 30 minutes. Boom. My goal is to knock down 5K under 30 minutes by end of July.

Day Who The Hell Knows +4…It must be the Weird Al doing it for me…a new fat guy best of 9.37 first mile and hobbled out 2.80 miles in 30 minutes. I think it is time to register for the Zombie Run and maybe some other 5Ks in the nearer future.